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5 Keys to Melting Abdominal Fat in 60 Days

If we just combine a regular exercise routine with a balanced diet, we will be able to reduce the fat located in the region of the abdomen, besides taking care of our health.

Abdominal fat does not go away in a few days, not even a month.
We need a good plan to carry out each step ensuring our health is not at risk, with the awareness that there is a clear objective, to lose fat in the abdomen.

This goal goes far beyond mere physical appearance. We talk first of all about our heart and avoid any associated risk, such as heart attacks, diabetes, increased triglycerides.

We propose these 7 keys to melting abdominal fat that will allow you to see results after just two months.

Are you encouraged to put them into practice today?

1. Exercises at intervals of 2 times a day
If we want to lose abdominal fat in 60 days, we will not only use aerobic exercises, like going out for a walk, we also need resistance routines that work properly in the abdomen and back. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the two.

These would be some examples.

Do Jump rope and push-ups
Our workouts should be set twice every day. It takes half an hour, but we must do it with a high intensity.

However, we will adjust these exercises according to our level, without ever exceeding the limits and without exhausting ourselves.

Start your routine by jumping rope for 5 minutes at a slow pace.
Then do 5 push-ups.
Continue with rope exercise, increasing intensity.
Continue with some sit-ups. Focus on forcing the abdomen.
It is recommended to dedicate half an hour to these exercises.

In the late afternoon, when you leave work, you can do some swimming or go out to ride a bike.

It’s not necessary to go to the gym if you do not want to; the key is to have willpower and a little imagination in our combined exercise routines.

2. The importance of maintaining good posture
The following advice, more than an exercise, is a recommendation that will be very helpful in helping to make your abdomen firmer.

When you sit down, always keep your back straight.
When walking, prevent your shoulders from projecting forward, or your neck leaning.
Lift your chin, place your shoulders and back straight, and you will discover how this posture gives you a more positive and energetic attitude.

3. The exercise of the bridge
We guarantee that you will not feel exhausted when practicing this exercise. It is not difficult, and yet, as it becomes a habit in your day to day life, it will be one of the most beneficial routines.

The belly-down exercise is based only on supporting the hands and feet on the floor.

Something like this forces the abdomen to make the effort to sustain us and stabilize. There is a tension and a resistance that we should keep for 2 minutes.

Encourage yourself to practice it 3 times a day.

4. Pineapple and Papaya
We already know what types of physical routines we should perform to lose weight. Now, it pays to know what guidelines we should start introducing into our diet.

Start the day with a natural fruit salad based on Pineapple, Papaya and Chia seeds. Something so tasty and healthy will favor your digestion, fight the swelling, and trigger the loss of abdominal fat.

5. Yes to fruits and vegetables of purple color or wine
All purple foods are rich in anthocyanins, a wonderful antioxidant type to stimulate the regulation of our metabolism and to control the level of fat in our body.

Check out which purple foods can help:
Purple cabbage
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids are wonderful for “attacking” abdominal fat.

In addition, they favor our cardiovascular health, are satiating and very energetic. Here are some of the examples:

Olive oil, coconut oil, and cod liver oil
Oilseeds (nuts and pistachios)

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