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How do you treat a corn on your foot?

Corn is hard and thick skin that is generally developed on the feet. It can appear on the sides of toes, on soles of the foot or between the toes as well. This could be very painful. To aid the pain and corn, you should immediately start the treatment, since it could spread the infection further. The prime cause of corn wearing fitted shoes or move bared foot. However, people with warts, damaged sweat glands and bunions are more vulnerable to the corns. Read more, to know remedies to treat a corn.

1.) White Vinegar to Cure a Corn
Another remedy that will help to cure corn also known as cellusis is vinegar. It is one of the tried and tested remedies for such skin problems. It has a high acidity level that helps to soften the skin. Moreover, it is packed with properties like antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that helps to reduce the infection and promotes recovery.

In a bowl mix three parts of the water with one part of the water.
Dip a cotton ball into this solution and place the cotton ball on the corn, secure it with the bandage. Leave it overnight and remove the bandage next day.
Next day exfoliate the effected skin with the pumice stone. Or you can emery board as well.
Then moisturize the effected skin with the olive oil or coconut oil.
Do this regularly until you get the satisfactory results.

2.) Baking Soda for Corn Treatment
Baking soda is one of the amazing household ingredient that helps to treat array of skin problems like oily skin, razor bumps and corns. It is a natural exfoliating agent that helps to remove the hard and dead skin that covers corn. Moreover, it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that speeds up the healing process and keep the infection at the bay.

In a bucket with warm water, add a table spoon of the baking soda and dip your feet in it.
Leave your feet in the water for a few minutes, until it becomes soft and then if you feel like you can go ahead and exfoliate it further with pumice stone.
Alternatively, you can prepare soothing foot scrub that will help to exfoliate the skin naturally. Mix some lemon juice, baking soda and sufficient water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. Either wear your socks or cover it with the bandage. Leave it on for a night. Next morning remove the bandage and wash your feet with the Luke warm water and exfoliate with pumice stone.
Do any of the above listed method using baking soda until you get a satisfactory result.

3.) Lemon to Get Rid of Corn
Lemon is such a beautiful ingredient that it can be used to treat any type of skin problems such as acne, pimple, sunburn and even corn as well. It is high in the citrus acid that helps to soften the hard skin that helps to cure the corn.

Rinse your feet, pat them dry and apply fresh lemon juice on the corn. Leave it on until the lemon dries. Repeat this a few times in a day until you get a satisfactory result.
Alternatively, in a bowl add some lemon juice and soak a few coves in the juice. After a few minutes remove the cloves from it and generously spread the juice on the affected area.
Or, you can prepare a mixture of a teaspoon of Brewer’s yeast and lemon juice. Apply this paste on the corn and leave it for a night.
Do any of the above listed method until the corn is treated completely.

4.) Turmeric for Corn Treatment
Turmeric is one of the kitchen staple and a wonderful remedy for number of health and skin related problems that includes corns and warts. This beautiful herb s packed with the medicinal and healing property such as anti-inflammatory property that helps to aid the pain and discomfort caused due to the corn, blister. And also, helps to speed up the healing process.

Prepare a thick paste of the honey and turmeric powder. Slather this thick paste on the affected skin and leave it on until it dries completely. Repeat this a few times a day regularly until you get relief from corn.

Alternatively, prepare a mixture of the Aloe Vera gel and turmeric powder. Apply this mixture on the affected area and leave it on to dry completely. Once it dry, rinse off the skin and repeat this as many times as possible.

One of the best way to heal any health-related problem is mix a pinch of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and drink it before going to the body. Nothing could be effective as this remedy. Drink this regularly to speed up the healing process.

5.) Pumice Stone to Treat a Corn
Next remedy in our list of remedies to cure a corn is pumice stone. It is a stone that helps to exfoliate and remove the dead and dark skin around the affected skin. This will reduce the pain and speed up the healing process.

Fill a bucket or foot spa tub with a warm water. Soak your feet in the water. Make sure the water is not too hot otherwise you will end you hurting yourself. Soak your feet for some time.
Once your feet become soft, use pumice stone to scrub the feet. Fore added benefits you can add Epsom salt in the water or any essential oil.
Do this for a while until, all the dead skin is removed then dip your feet again, pat them dry.
After drying your feet apply a castor oil on the affected area and wear your socks.
Alternatively, you dip a cotton ball in the castor oil and place it on the corn, secure it with bandage.
Follow any of the method before going to the bed.
Repeat this until the corn is completely treated.

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