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The Best 5 Double Chin Exercises

With the advancement of time, the skin loses its collagen and elasticity partly, causing it to sag which in turn can lead to double chins. Double chins also signify the overweight of an individual which is a precursor to various kinds of future diseases. Though double chins can be removed with the help of a surgery, it might prove to be a costly affair. In such scenarios, the best available solution that may help us escape the situation is with the help of effective double chin exercises. Some of the effective double chin exercises are as follows:

1. Tongue Press
Double chin exercises rank amongst the top ranking solutions in our kitty in getting rid of a double chin. Amongst the double chin exercises, one of the most effective choices for reduction of a double chin is the tongue press. In order to perform the tongue press, we need to tilt our head back as if looking towards the ceiling sitting with a straight back posture with the shoulder turned downwards. We need to ensure pressuring our tongue forcefully toward the roof of our mouth. With the tongue attached to the roof of our mouth, we must try lowering our chin towards our chest without avoiding our lower back from getting rounded. We must get the feeling of contraction in our chin and front of our neck. Finally, we must revert back to the initial position by straightening our neck and relaxing our back. We need twenty repetitions of the step to get favorable results. Exercises like tongue press can go a long way in slow and steady reduction of a double chin.

2. Pout and Tilt
A double chin possesses the capability to change our appearance drastically. It can play a major role in amplifying the already peculiar appearance that has been put upon us due to being overweight. In such scenarios simple double chin exercises must be the go-to option as there are no impending side-effects associated with it. Double chin exercises also include pout and tilt. It requires sticking our lower lip out to the maximum extent to form a pout in a sitting or standing position. We can place a finger on the chin for support purpose. This contraction must be held for a minimum of one second. We must now try contraction of the muscles that lie front to our neck in order to lower the chin to the chest as much as possible. We must make sure the upper back does not get rounded in the process. We must hold in this posture for one second before relaxation of our lips before returning to the initial position. We must ensure twenty repletion of the process to maximize the benefits of this astounding double chin exercises.

3. The O
In order to form the O posture, we need to tilt our head backward such that our head is pointed towards the ceiling sitting in a straight back posture. Our lips must be brought together and we must try opening our mouth in an ‘O’ shape. This position must be held for at least twenty seconds. Both sides of our neck underneath the jawline must experience a contraction to a certain degree. Now we must slowly and steadily allow our lower chin and mouth to return to their initial position. These double chin exercises require minimum twenty repetitions a day for us to reap maximum benefits. We can count on double chin exercises to act as the most simple and natural solution to get rid of an irritating double chin.

4. Kiss the Ceiling
Another intriguing option amongst the various double chin exercises is the ‘kiss the ceiling’ posture. This posture requires tilting our head back so as to face the ceiling with our hands hanging by our sides. We need to aim to kiss the ceiling by means of puckering our lips and extending them as far away from the face as possible. We must feel the sensation of a tightened neck and chin. We must then ensure a steady return to the initial position. Completion of two sets each of fifteen repetitions can help us neutralize our deep chin effectively. Double chin exercises are a natural way to get rid of our double chin effectively.

5. Chin Rotation
Rotation of our chin can also help us remove a double chin amongst the various double chin exercises. It requires elongation of the spine in a seated or standing position. Starting with the rotation of the chin, the head must also follow coarse completing a full circle from chest to shoulder and back. We must ensure our shoulders and back are down throughout the entire movement. We must repeat the steps ten times in either direction to reap maximum benefits from the chin rotation. The repetition of these double chin exercises helps in amplifying their benefits in a big way.

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